Heritage Trail

This project was designed by Emily Wapshott BA (Hons);MA;PG Dip;MSc;MCIfa, John Eeles, and Phil Butcher (Camouka – Graphics and Design.
(White Trail)
This website has been designed to partner the Heritage Trail leaflets (available across the region for FREE) and expands on the historical information about Torrington and its surrounding areas, as set out in the timeline.
Aimed as a heritage hub space for the community and visitors, we have collated links to national records to take you further on your heritage journey. Use the timeline to explore in more detail, each period in Torrington’s history and at the bottom of each page will be relevant links and also where possible we have added teaching resources for both home schooling and various key stage topics.
Did you know that the government have made all national records from the ‘National Heritage List‘ digital and searchable online? The National Heritage List covers all Listed buildings (Grade II, II* and Grade I) and scheduled monuments, registered battlefields and registered parks and gardens in England, with a searchable map option or searchable text box option.
For a Devon specific approach to searching for information, Devon Country Council has a searchable map with layers you can turn on and off for ‘heritage’, ‘environment’, ‘rights of way’ and ‘public access’, ‘landscape classifications’ etc. In the heritage/history section you can explore a map view of scheduled monuments and protected landscapes as well as the Historic Environment Record (HER) which is a local county administered list of site of interest which are not designated as monuments and which also includes an ‘archaeological events’ tab which contains information about excavations and archaeological work.
Thank yous
All information included within this website and the free brochures is Copyright – Great Torrington Futures Group / Emily Wapshott.
To use any part of the script or images please contact gtfuturegroup@gmail.com
The free HERITAGE TRAIL leaflet, website and in situ signage has been put together, financed and collated by a number of local people, without which none of the above would have been possible. The team thanks everyone involved, in whatever capacity for their time and endeavours.
Emily Wapshott BA(Hons); MA; PG.Dip; MSc; MCIfA Project Lead– Archaeologists Engage
John Eeles – Great Torrington Futures Group – Project Lead (Admin)
Ian Ashelford – Great Torrington Futures Group – onegreattorrington.co.uk – Website content
Several great photographers from the town.
All above involved are volunteers.
Andrew Saywell – Devon County Councillor – Locality Grants
Cheryl Cottle-Hunkin
Chris Bright
Margaret Brown Torridge District Councillors – Councillor Grants
Great Torrington Town Council – Grants
Torridge District Council – 106 Money
Great Torrington Town and Lands Charity – Grants
Great Torrington Town Councillors
Great Torrington Futures Group
Great Torrington Commons Conservators
Great Torrington Town and Community Hall
St Michaels and All Angels Church
Torridge District Council
Camouka Design – Graphics and Layout
Jag Signs – Signage