
The Plough Arts Centre provides exciting opportunities for all people to experience a wide and vibrant range of high quality arts events both as audience and participants. Through creative partnerships the Plough Arts Centre is a welcoming and dynamic venue for artistic expression and education, responsive to the needs of the local community and a beacon for the arts across North Devon - visible and valued throughout the South West. From our stunning rural setting we offer a varied and exciting programme of arts events and activities. We aim to entertain, inspire, educate and challenge in equal measure. Our packed annual programme includes film, live events, exhibitions, workshops and educational outreach for people of all ages, interests and abilities. We think we are ‘the largest arts centre in the smallest town’ and we know our positive impact is felt across the region.

Box Office is open on Tues - Sat 10am-4pm
Café is open Tues – Fri 10am-4pm & Sat 10am-2pm

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